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  February 2015
This Month’s Must-Read
Hot topics handpicked monthly by our email gurus
FulcrumTech Helps Clients Achieve Outstanding Email-Marketing Results
How FulcrumTech Helps Clients Achieve Outstanding Email-Marketing Results with Automation, Real-Time Testing & Optimization
Exceeding a previous biggest sales day by 300%, increasing click-to-open rates by 27% and subscription sales by 67%, and saving more than 40 labor hours weekly — these are just a few examples of FulcrumTech clients’ success stories from 2014. Here’s a peek at how we achieve such outstanding email-marketing results.
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Get the Click
Our email experts weigh in on real emails from real marketers Email Review Email Review: Does It Need an Upgrade?
An offer is only as good as its perceived value. And in this email, we suggest some improvements that could help better convey the value proposition for the promoted product.
See If You Agree
And, be sure to get ideas and inspiration from our entire Get the Click series!
What’s on Mitch’s Mind?
Email authority Mitch Lapides talks all things email
Email authority Mitch Lapides
Email Preheader Best Practices
When it comes deciding whether or not to open an email, the subject line and sender name are pivotal for subscribers. But what about the snippet of text that appears right next to the subject line on iPhones, iPads, some Android phones, and most email clients? If you’re not optimizing this prime piece of inbox real estate, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to help drive up your open rates.
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Good reads from around the Web
Put mobile first in B2B marketing  
3 Easy Ways to Put Mobile First in B2B Marketing
Though the world is becoming more and more mobile, many businesses are lagging behind. Check out these three steps to make your B2B marketing mobile-first.
Read Here.
Digital marketing trends that dominate 2015
7 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2015
Here you’ll find this Huffington Post blogger’s top seven predictions for digital marketing trends in 2015.
Read Here.
Action vs. Reaction - Triggered Messages
Action/Reaction: Triggered Messages and Newton’s Third Law of Motion
This article suggests the best way to engage with your customers is to first determine which type of triggered email messages will provide the most value and then work backward to find the most appropriate technology.
Read Here.
Email tests you should run
8 Big Tests You Should Run in Your Email Marketing Program
What should you be testing in your email marketing campaigns that will have a significant impact on recurring emails? That’s what you’ll find out in this article.
Read Here.
Free Email Self-Assessment Download
Featured Service
Free Email Self-Assessment Download
This free, easy-to-follow self-assessment will help you with your email program and practices. Just answer the questions honestly and add up your score to find out:
1)  Where your email-marketing program is succeeding.
  2)  What actions you should take tomorrow to improve it.
Download Now!
(And take your first steps on the road to higher ROI.)
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