At FulcrumTech, we’ve found that drip marketing is a highly effective way to nurture leads, build customer relationships, and drive sales. To help you get the most out of your drip email campaigns, we focus on drip email best practices and tips for driving sales conversions in this issue’s feature and blog. Plus, be sure to check out our review of a triggered email sent by Country Curtains in the latest edition of Get the Click.

— Mitch
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  VOL. 8   ISSUE 6  |  JUNE 2014  
In This Issue     Feature Article: Drip Email Campaign Best Practices
Mitch’s Blog: How to Use Drip Email Campaigns to Drive Conversions
Get the Click: Country Curtains Triggered Email: Does It Have a Creepy Factor?
FulcrumTech’s Top Reads: June’s List of Great Links
  Feature Article  
  Drip Email Campaign Best Practices  
  Drip MarketingIn last month’s NewsLever feature — “The Basics of Email Drip Marketing” — we demonstrated how effective drip campaigns give prospects the information they need to help guide them closer to a purchase. In this second article of a two-part series, we highlight key best practices that drip email campaigns need to succeed.

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  Mitch’s Blog
  Mitch Lapides How to Use Drip Email Campaigns to Drive Conversions  
  If you think automated drip campaigns are an impersonal way to nurture prospects and customers, think again. When it’s done right, email drip marketing has proven to be a highly effective way to build customer relationships and loyalty and to increase sales. Here we give you 10 prime tips for optimizing your drip email campaigns to drive sales conversions.

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  Get the Click
Get the Click
  See FulcrumTech experts’ reviews of emails received from Country Curtains and other companies in our website feature — “Get the Click.”

Click here for all the latest “Get the Click” reviews.
  FulcrumTech Top Reads
Top Reads
  Here are some recent articles about email marketing you may have missed, but shouldn’t!  
  Interactive Strategy:  
  It’s 2014 — Why Don’t All Brands Segment?  
  Infographic: 10 Must-Know Email Marketing Stats  
  Defining Success for Email Programs  
  Testing Is Key to Mobile Email Marketing Success  
  Interactive Tips:  
  4 Tips to Personalize Email Marketing, for Better Results  
  Email Engagement and Deliverability Advice That Marketers Can Sink Their Teeth Into  
  11 Tips for Making Marketing Automation Work for You  
  About FulcrumTech
  FulcrumTech’s experts have 20 years of experience in helping companies grow using online technologies, and we can help you build a complete email and online interactive marketing program to yield incredible results!  
  Grow your prospect base  
  Increase your sales  
  Get a measureable improvement in return on investment (ROI).  
  Contact us today to get started.  

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