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7 Best Practices for Email Retargeting Campaign Success

…ips, and increase sales. Personalize your email retargeting campaigns to help increase engagement and drive more conversions. From using the recipient’s name to tailoring the actual email content for maximum relevance, personalization can have a huge impact on your performance results. For example, if someone leaves an item in his or her online shopping cart, include the abandoned item, as well as a link where it can be purchased…

10 Tips for Creating Email Content That Captures Attention and Engages Subscribers

…es to Boost Your Email Open Rates Email Preheader Best Practices Personalize your email campaigns. Using a subscriber’s name in the subject line and email message typically is a great way to capture attention. However, email personalization goes beyond simply using names. It can also include leveraging such personal information as subscriber behavior, demographics, and purchase history to make the email content more relevant. Design for mobile….

Email Quality Assurance—Does Your QA Process Empower Email-Marketing Success?

…email clients Ensure that your email loads quickly Review rendering on all major email clients—desktop and mobile (leverage tools such as Litmus and Email on Acid plus do your own testing) Check that the dynamic content and personalization components are working properly Label all images with alternative text Test all links Be sure that all CAN-SPAM requirements are met (most importantly, ensure that you have a functioning unsubscribe link) If…

eBay Email Review: Does It Deliver the Personalized Experience Promised in the Subject Line?

…out in the inbox. However, using the word “we” 3 times in the subject line and preheader makes the copy sound more eBay-focused than customer-focused. And although the subject line is a fun and different take on personalization, clarity trumps cleverness. In other words, frontloading a special sale or promotion in the subject line is likely a more effective way to drive up open rates among eBay’s target audience. Weak Preview…

Why Email Marketing Is Important—The Benefits of Email Marketing

…to their customer base. You can easily segment groups of your prospects and customers and send them specific marketing messages that target their personal needs and interests. By segmenting your email list, you can take the personalization of your emails to a whole new level. Demographic, geographic, and behavioral (e.g., past purchases) are a few of the types of data that you can use to target different segments of your email list and send…

5 Elements of a Successful Product Review Email Campaign

…of product being reviewed. So, be sure to test and optimize the time sent to find the sweet spot for your specific products and target audience Personalize your product review emails. As we pointed out in a previous feature, personalization pays off in email marketing. So, use the customer’s name and specifics about the products that were purchased in your product review emails to help optimize the response. Offer an incentive. Customers…

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