Kate Spade Email: Is It a Pinteresting Integration of Email and Social Media?
“what’s piquing your pinterest?” That was the subject line of this email sent to a Kate Spade New York fan and customer who had signed up to join the company’s email list. Though having a “cutesy” subject line isn’t usually the best way to go, for this email content – and in tandem with the from line katespade.com – it works.
The Popcorn Factory Email: Does It Get the Conversion … Just Because?
This email was sent to a customer who purchased a gift online from The Popcorn Factory a few years ago and has since continued to receive promotional emails from the company. The subject line – “Why Send a Popcorn Card … Just Because” – prompted this recipient to open the email. Never having seen or heard of a popcorn card, this email’s subject line piqued her curiosity to find out more.
Runner’s World Email: Starts Strong, But Falls Flat
This promotional email from Runner’s World was sent to someone who had signed up for a workout program through Women’s Health Magazine, which is another Rodale publication. Apparently, Women’s Health shared this individual’s information with other partner publications, as she had not subscribed to receive emails from Runner’s World. As an avid runner, however, she was familiar with Runner’s World (displayed in the email’s from line) and intrigued by the subject line – “Go from WALKING to RUNNING 30 minutes in only 30 days!”
Country Curtains Triggered Email: Does It Have a Creepy Factor?
“Thanks for Visiting!” That was the subject line of this email sent to a Country Curtains customer who had recently visited the company’s website and perused the available rug selection. The subject line piqued this recipient’s interest – especially since she hadn’t recently purchased Country Curtains merchandise or visited any Country Curtains retail stores. Once she opened the email and saw the image of the rugs, she realized that this email had been triggered in response to her browsing the Country Curtains website.
Nelnet Email: Does It Fit the Bill?
“Questions on paying your student loans? We can help.” This is the subject line of an email sent to a Nelnet customer who currently has a student loan with the company. The subject line clearly communicates the main purpose of the email, which is to tell Nelnet customers that the company is ready and willing to provide help with any issues they’re experiencing with their student loans.
Peeps Email: Could It Be Any Sweeter?
This email was sent to a Peeps fan who had entered a Peeps and Company contest on Facebook and opted-in to receive promotions from the company. Delivered on the weekend daylight saving began, the subject line – “Save Daylight and Dollars this weekend” – is quite timely and hints that there’s an opportunity for special savings. But is it enough of a tease to drive opens or could it have been stronger?