The Best Investment during an Economic Downturn

Online Marketing Is the Most Cost-Effective Way to Go
If you do any marketing, your company should focus its efforts on the most cost-effective option. Online marketing, including e-newsletters, email promotions and search advertising fit the bill. E-newsletters can be an important tool in a downturn because they nurture prospects, deepen relationships with customers, and establish you and your company as experts in what you do. If it’s tough to get the quick sale, focus on building the relationship. When things turn around, your list of prospects and customers will turn to you.

So, if you have an e-newsletter, now’s the time to take it up a notch. (FulcrumTech has many ways to do that, so be sure to contact us for help.) If you don’t have an e-newsletter, we can help you start one now.

How can an e-Newsletter impact your bottom line?
There has been a tremendous amount written about how e-newsletters bring in revenue. One thing all the articles agree on is that a successful e-newsletter can have a tremendously positive impact. Here are a few ways an e-newsletter can generate income:

  • It typically requires between six and seven contacts with prospects to get them to become paying clients.An e-newsletter builds a relationship with your prospects and customers over a period of months. The advice you provide, the links you share, the case studies and testimonials you give, all build your credibility. Eventually, when that prospect buys—or a customer buys more from cross-sell opportunities – your revenue goes up.
  • Response to your e-newsletter will help you identify the prospects most interested in your services and/or products. This will help your sales staff direct their focus on these prospects, resulting in more closed sales and less time wasted on prospects not yet interested.
  • Sell advertising in your newsletters.
  • Promote your products and services in your newsletters.
  • Promote other company’s products in your newsletters and make a commission.
  • Promote other companies’ e-newsletters on your e-newsletter sign-up confirmation page and get paid for each person who signs up.
  • Most importantly, you will build sales over the long term by establishing a more loyal, engaged prospect and customer base.


Email Marketing Is Stronger Than Ever

Contrary to what you may have heard, email marketing is growing and is a successful, effective form of marketing. Here are some pertinent and convincing facts:

  • Sixty-five percent (65%) of U.S. Internet users have purchased due to receiving marketing messages by email; this is only second to "regular mail" which scored 76% (eMarketer, June 2008)
  • Ninety-five percent (95%) of U.S. online consumers have provided at least one company with permission to communicate with them through email. (2008 Channel Preference Survey, Exact Target, 2008)
  • Eighty-three percent (83%) of survey consumers have made a purchase online, with online shopping widely adopted across all age groups (2008 Channel Preference Survey, Exact Target, 2008)
  • Sixty-five percent (65%) of those surveyed (>1,500 people who own a cell phone) have made a purchase as a result of email; 79% for those between 55 and 64 years old! (2008 Channel Preference Survey, Exact Target, 2008)
  • "Two-thirds of U.S. Internet users surveyed say email was their preferred channel for written communications between friends" (eMarketer, June 2008)

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NewsLever is our free, monthly e-newsletter for B2B and B2C professionals who want to develop and implement powerful email-marketing campaigns that build relationships with prospects and customers.

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