Email Branding Tips that Win in the Inbox

Designing Emails to Build Your Brand

Developing a strong brand is essential to business success. To build a strong brand, you need to consistently represent that brand in all your marketing efforts, including email campaigns. Here are 6 key email-marketing tips to help you build brand awareness, as well as optimize the customer journey on the way to conversion.

6 Email Branding Tips—How to Make a Professional Email Campaign That Converts

Not only does effective branding differentiate your company from competitors, but it also helps establish trust and loyalty with prospects and customers. Here are 6 ways to use email marketing to build your brand:

  1. Create email templates that clearly tout your brand. Be sure that when recipients open your emails, they can immediately recognize the email message is from your company, without having to read a word. Here are a few examples of how to do just that:

    • Be sure your company’s logo is prominently displayed in the email header.
    • Use colors associated with your logo and brand throughout the email design and content. This would include in headlines, subheads, and call-to-action buttons.
    • Use the same fonts that are featured in your other marketing materials and platforms.
  2. When it comes to email branding, think “message consistency” across all marketing platforms. To effectively use email as a branding tool, be sure you present a consistency in message and mission across all your marketing platforms, including email campaigns, website landing pages, and social media sites (e.g, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn). A study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, for example, showed that promoting a consistent marketing message across multiple channels can boost brand perception by 68% and purchase intent by 90% among consumers.
  3. Maintain a consistent tone in your email campaigns, starting with your email subject lines and snippet text. It’s important to consistently use the same tone throughout all your marketing channels. And in the email channel, it begins with what recipients see first—the subject line and snippet text in their inboxes. For example, if your brand’s tone is typically educational, recipients may find a quirky or humorous subject line out of character.

    Also, keep in mind that even if your subscribers don’t open an email, the subject line and preheader text can make an impression and succinctly communicate your brand’s message. In this way, your brand will be top of mind when subscribers are in need of your products or services. For more tips on how to write successful subject lines and snippet text, check out these FulcrumTech articles:

  4. Be consistent in sending emails to your subscribers, while optimizing the frequency and timing of your campaigns. Determining the perfect schedule for when and how many emails to send to your subscribers can be challenging. You want to keep your brand top of mind, but sending too many emails too frequently may annoy your subscribers. It also may hurt your brand’s reputation if customers are annoyed enough to unsubscribe from your email list or even mark your emails as spam.

    Asking subscribers how often they want to hear from you through an email preference center is a good way to help you determine an email send schedule that is consistent, as well as keeps subscribers interested and even looking forward to getting your emails. For help with optimizing your email frequency and cadence, be sure to check out these FulcrumTech articles:

  5. Reach out to customers who have lost touch with your brand by sending win-back email campaigns. If customers haven’t opened or clicked your emails in a while, a win-back campaign is a great way to remind them about why they loved your brand in the first place. Plus, it costs a lot less to keep a current customer compared to acquiring a new one. For 8 tips on how to create effective win-back campaigns that can help increase brand awareness, read this FulcrumTech feature: “Win-Back Email Campaigns—How to Successfully Regain Lost Customers and Boost Revenue.”
  6. Use the customer data you collect to deliver relevant and personalized emails to your subscribers. Using predictive marketing, segmentation, and personalization to create targeted email campaigns can help build relationships and trust with your customers. And by delivering a better customer experience in your email marketing, you’ll also help build a stronger brand and ultimately drive more conversions and sales.

When making a professional email campaign, does your company effectively build brand awareness and create an outstanding customer experience? FulcrumTech’s email experts can help you design, implement, and optimize email campaigns that build a strong brand and increase engagement with your clients. To learn more about FulcrumTech’s targeted email-marketing services, contact us today!

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