Resources: Lead generation

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The Power of Popover Forms — How to Increase Your Email List Growth by 300%

What’s the first word that “pops” into your head when you think about online popups or popovers? “Annoying,” perhaps? But after you read this blog about FulcrumTech’s popover results, as well as the incredible lifts in subscriptions that marketers are getting thanks to popover forms, you may instead use words such as “effective” and “unbelievable” to describe them. Personally, I’ve been blown away by the results that are possible from this tactic. And if your organization is serious about building an email list, it’s time to consider a popover form to help drive your subscriber sign-ups.

The Business Lead-Generation Playbook — 6 Steps to Successfully Grow Your Business

A solid lead-generation system is the heart of every successful business plan. That’s why it’s important to continually seek new and innovative ways to grow sales and build interest in your organization’s products and services. In this month’s feature, I share six essential steps from FulcrumTech’s Business Lead-Generation Playbook to help you effectively grow your company.

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