CAN-SPAM ACT Updates for 2008

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (a Federal law) establishes the requirements (and penalties) for those who send commercial email. You can access an overview at the Federal Trade Commission Web site. An important update was just released, which is to go into effect on July 7, 2008. A great summary of the new interpretations can be found at Pepper Hamilton’s Web site. The key updates include clarifcations of the following…

7 Great Ideas for Generating Revenue from Your Content and Knowledge

I attended the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) meeting this week. This group included publishers from around the world.  Most publish some sort of electronic or print newsletters. One of the biggest issues on these publishers’ minds was how to get the business model right. How do we make money in this environment where so much is free? Here are 7 great ideas I heard…

Active versus Inactive Users: Who's On Your Email List?

A new client recently came to me concerned about the open rates for his email campaigns, which were running about 11%. When I asked whether he was aware of the proportion of active versus inactive users on his email list, he had no idea. So we determined the number of inactive users (people who hadn’t opened his company’s emails for 6 months or more), took a look at the open rates without the inactive users and found that that the rates were actually about 37%. My advice: It was time to try to re-engage his audience and/or weed out the inactive users from the list.

Test to Improve Your Email Marketing Results

Testing is the foundation of successful email marketing programs. It is also one of the easiest and most cost-efficient ways to improve your marketing results. Small changes in your email marketing campaign can yield dramatic positive results in open, click-through and conversion rates. In this month’s feature, we discuss the email marketing elements you should test, as well as provide 5 tips to help you test effectively.

A Message from Mitch

In my experience with companies of all sizes, nothing is more powerful than the internet for building sales, membership, and customer loyalty. All must continue to grow, but in today’s economy there are fewer and fewer dollars to make that happen.

Welcome to My New Blog

Over the past few years, FulcrumTech has grown and evolved to offer an ever-expanding number of services. As you take a look around our site, you’ll also see we’ve added many more resources to help you reach and exceed your online marketing goals.

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