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Create Compelling Subject Lines

Open Me! That’s what your subject line has to succinctly convey to your audience. Unfortunately, there’s no secret formula to creating a subject line that universally engages and drives action. Essentially you need to quickly and clearly state what your recipients can expect in the email message and say it in a way that grabs their attention. The following are some important strategies that we at FulcrumTech always review before writing subject lines.

Move Prospects Down the Sales Funnel with Email

It’s been a crazy busy summer, and now everyone is staring down at the final quarter of 2008.  So, the questions are coming into FulcrumTech about how to get prospects down the sales funnel with email newsletters, promotional email, and other forms of email marketing.  MarketingSherpa has a great chart that mirrors what we typically describe, and it provides a number of great metrics to measure at every stage.

18 Ways to Build a Bigger, Better List

When it comes to building a great email list, there’s no quick fix. Some people may be tempted to purchase a list, but that’s an approach I recommend against. “Home-grown” email lists require substantial time and ongoing effort, but the list quality, ROI and ultimately your online marketing success are worth the investment. In this feature, I identify six major list-building strategies, as well as provide a few specific ways to effectively implement each of these strategies.

5 Steps for Re-Engaging the Inactive Users on Your Email List

Let’s say your email campaigns have open rates of about 25%. Is it the same 25% of the people on your list opening the emails every month? Do you know how many people on your list are inactive users – haven’t opened an email for 6 months or more? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, it’s time to find out. In this month’s feature article, we talk about why it’s important to know the numbers of active versus inactive users on your list, steps to effectively re-engage inactive users, as well as ways to keep your subscribers actively engaged.

7 Great Ideas for Generating Revenue from Your Content and Knowledge

I attended the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) meeting this week. This group included publishers from around the world.  Most publish some sort of electronic or print newsletters. One of the biggest issues on these publishers’ minds was how to get the business model right. How do we make money in this environment where so much is free? Here are 7 great ideas I heard…

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