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An Analytical Look at Email-Engagement Series of Top E-Commerce Companies

…clude it in the second or third email in the series. And we also may exclude offers from those people who previously abandoned. That’s because we don’t want our clients’ customers to routinely abandon their online shopping carts, anticipating that a discount offer will follow. Promotional “Blast” Email Campaigns 43% of the top 100 companies didn’t send any promotional emails to new subscribers within the first…

Part 2—Anatomy of Predictive Analytics in Email Marketing

…al time. This involves collecting data from all of the marketing channels that customers use to interact with a company, including website browsing behavior (that infers a customer’s interests), purchase behavior (both online and point-of-sale), customer relationship management (CRM) data, email engagement metrics, and social media interactions. In addition to data mining, predictive analytics also leverage statistical algorithms and…

Email Review: Does It Motivate You to Start Planning a Tropical Vacation?

…Subject Line Is Short and Sweet “Destination: Costa Rica” That was a subject line of a promotional email sent to a prospective customer who said that she likely joined AMResorts’ email list while searching online for vacation options. Because this subject line is short (21 characters), it will likely stand out in the inbox. It’s also a strong subject line, especially when combined with the preheader: “Start…

Email-Marketing Optimization—When, Where, and How People Engage With Email

…e, and how do people typically engage with email? Check out these 2017 survey results for insight, as well as some tips for how to optimize your email campaign performance and deliverability. In July 2017, Adobe conducted an online survey of white-collar workers in the United States, aged 18 or older, who own a smartphone. Here are some interesting highlights from the Adobe Consumer Email Survey Report 2017: Smartphones are the most used device…

Get the Most Out of Your Email Campaigns in 2018

…Next Level How did your email-marketing campaigns perform last year? Are you looking to increase revenue and improve your email-marketing ROI for 2018? FulcrumTech can help. Last year, we helped our clients achieve fantastic online growth, including triple-digit improvements year-over-year, as well as online sales records for the best day, best week, and best month ever! Contact the email-marketing experts at FulcrumTech and get started today….

Post-Purchase Emails-How to Give a Big Boost to Customer Retention and Lifetime Value

…ages, at 19%. Customers Like to Feel Appreciated To help determine what retailers should be doing to nurture customers and encourage loyalty post purchase, the shipping and delivery solutions platform, Narvar, surveyed 1,000 online shoppers. When asked how they wish to be communicated about a product they purchased online, 94% of the responding shoppers said via email. And when asked what types of information from a retailer would make them feel…

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