How to Stop Gmail from Clipping your Emails

At FulcrumTech, we recently implemented a new strategy for an email newsletter that doubled the opens and clicks for the newsletter’s Gmail subscribers. Has Gmail “clipped” your emails, hiding the full content behind a “View entire message” link? Here, we share some strategies for what you can do not only to prevent it from happening again, but to increase your opens and clicks along the way.

How to Proficiently Use Animated GIFs in Your Email Marketing

If you haven’t already embraced the use of animated GIFs in your email marketing, now is the time. GIFs provide a fast, easy, and efficient way to cut through the email inbox clutter and capture your prospects’ and customers’ attention. Do GIFs really work to help drive conversions? We answer that question, plus provide some practical tips for how to proficiently use them in your marketing emails.

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