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Do An Email Audit: Achieve Better Results

Is your email marketing program all it can be? It may be time to take a step back and review key areas of your email program. To help, we offer up the most important email performance issues that we typically address during an audit. Plus, we provide a few improvement ideas that can help quickly boost your email marketing effectiveness.

Segmenting Your Audience

In a nutshell, segmenting your audience basically means that you are looking at slices of your audience that have similar traits. The defining trait(s) can be something as simple as where the “slice” is physically located (zip code for example), whether or not the “slice” has purchased your product, or what types of subject lines they responded to previously. Probably the most important reason as to why you would segment your audience is to be able to craft your content to be of specific interest to that segment.

7 Tips to Increase Your Email Marketing Results

A recent MarketingSherpa study found that 78% of business to business (B2B) marketers see the impact of email continuing to increase; for consumer marketers, it’s 69%. We can’t emphasize it enough, however – there are many variables that will determine if your email campaign delivers the results you’re expecting – whether these campaigns are retention, transactional or prospecting based.

What can you do to create a well thought out and executed email campaign? Read this article and we’ll introduce you to 7 important factors to consider when planning your next email marketing campaign.

Transactional Email: Automated and Powerful

With open rates almost three times that of commercial emails, transactional email messaging should not be overlooked. These emails are great for sales conversion, customer services, up-selling, gaining important information about customers and prospects, and reducing manual processes within your company. This is one article you can’t miss!

Justifying Email Marketing

Many people ask me about the value of email marketing, or, better termed “permission marketing.” Well, this is certainly a topic we at FulcrumTech love to discuss.

In this issue, we’ve compiled some impressive statistics from industry success stories, and there are thousands more out there. Feel free to share these stats with your colleagues – they are really impressive! How you may use email and what objectives you can achieve with it are limited only by your imagination and insight.

Every successful program, however, is successful because of how it was planned, written, designed, and managed from step one. To get you started, I’ve also provided some ways to get you thinking and planning about how email can help you blow away your next targets.

Delivering Powerful Results…Starts with Knowing the Market

Just a few short years ago, email marketing took off. Shortly after being introduced, email became the method of choice for customer acquisition and retention. Companies turned to email to develop and maintain relationships with their employees, partners, and supply chains. Too much of a good thing caused the email bubble to burst. The frenzy to capitalize on this cost-effective method of communication made open rates plummet and the effectiveness of email to diminish. Today, desired results from email marketing can only be achieved if email is part of an overall interactive strategy. Sounds easy, but what exactly does this mean?

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