Resources: Email optimization

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5 Strategies for Optimizing Email Frequency

You’ve gotten a customer or prospect to opt in to your email subscriber list. Score! But the next big challenge marketers face is determining how frequently email should be sent. (We all need to be careful about over-mailing our subscribers.) And this issue typically leads to questions relating to the best day of the week to send emails. So don’t miss these 5 key FulcrumTech strategies for optimizing email frequency.

18 Tips for Maximizing Your Click-Through Rates

So you piqued prospects’ interest and got them to open your promotional email. The next crucial step: Motivate them to click-through to your promotion. In this month’s feature – Part 2 in a 3-part FulcrumTech series on optimizing the response to your email campaign – we take a close look at the email itself and offer several ways to help make your click-through rates soar.

Test to Improve Your Email Marketing Results

Testing is the foundation of successful email marketing programs. It is also one of the easiest and most cost-efficient ways to improve your marketing results. Small changes in your email marketing campaign can yield dramatic positive results in open, click-through and conversion rates. In this month’s feature, we discuss the email marketing elements you should test, as well as provide 5 tips to help you test effectively.

Do An Email Audit: Achieve Better Results

Is your email marketing program all it can be? It may be time to take a step back and review key areas of your email program. To help, we offer up the most important email performance issues that we typically address during an audit. Plus, we provide a few improvement ideas that can help quickly boost your email marketing effectiveness.

7 Tips to Increase Your Email Marketing Results

A recent MarketingSherpa study found that 78% of business to business (B2B) marketers see the impact of email continuing to increase; for consumer marketers, it’s 69%. We can’t emphasize it enough, however – there are many variables that will determine if your email campaign delivers the results you’re expecting – whether these campaigns are retention, transactional or prospecting based.

What can you do to create a well thought out and executed email campaign? Read this article and we’ll introduce you to 7 important factors to consider when planning your next email marketing campaign.

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