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7 Ways to Make the Most of the "Click-Through Moment"

Although there are many elements that go into a successful email marketing campaign, there’s one critical moment during the conversion when your prospect is going from your promotional email (or online ad) to the landing page. Let’s focus on that split second – what I refer to as the “Click-Through Moment” – and specific ways you can drive great conversion rates and maximize your return-on-investment….

New Gmail Inbox Format — Do Marketers Now Face a Bigger Challenge Getting Emails to Gmail Subscribers?

…ail conversations people want to read are sent to the Primary tab, which gets top priority. All other emails are automatically sent to the following secondary tabs: Social: Messages from social networks, media-sharing sites, online dating services, and other social websites go here. Promotions: This includes marketing emails, such as sales deals and offers. Updates: Auto-generated updates, such as confirmations, bills, and receipts go to this…

Landing-Page Optimization – 9 Tips for Driving Email Campaign Conversions

…thods for Optimizing Landing Page Conversion Rates What are the best methods for optimizing landing-page conversion rates? A/B testing was reported as the most effective website landing-page optimization strategy in a recent online survey of 176 business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing leaders. In this study conducted by Ascend2 and Act-On Software, the most effective methods for optimizing conversion rates for landing pages…

Create Effective Email Marketing Strategies

…with subject lines that were not personalized, according to a recent study by Yes Lifecycle Marketing. In addition to using the recipient’s name in the subject line, types of personalization also included items abandoned in online shopping carts, loyalty program details, membership milestones, and products that were previously purchased or browsed online. Be sure to test various types of personalization to see what works best with your specific…

Dover Saddlery Abandoned-Cart Email Series: Does It Convince Customers to Stop Horsing Around and Complete Their Purchase?

…for horses and riders at all levels of competition. Missed Opportunity to Express a Sense of Urgency in Subject Lines This series of four abandoned-cart emails was sent to a Dover Saddlery customer who placed an item in the online shopping cart and didn’t finish the transaction. When it comes to the optimum number of emails in an abandoned-cart series, three has been found to be the typical “sweet spot” and recommended best practice. However,…

How FulcrumTech Helps Clients Achieve Outstanding Email-Marketing Results with Automation & Real-Time Testing & Optimization

In 2014, FulcrumTech helped numerous clients achieve outstanding email-marketing results. Here are just a few examples of recent email success stories: We helped an online education company exceed its previous biggest sales day by over 300%. We increased click-to-open rates by 27% and subscription sales by 67% for a client in the news and media sector. We saved a publishing industry client more than 40 labor hours weekly. Looking back at these…

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