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Email Marketing Best Practices – Unsubscribing Do’s and Dont’s

…ns from the start by letting people know what types of email you’ll be sending and how often. Do you have any good (or bad) examples of unsubscribe experiences? Please share them with us! OTHER ARTICLES YOU MIGHT LIKE What Can an Unsubscribe Landing Page Do for Your Email Program? What You Need to Know About the CAN-SPAM Act Effective Email Preference Centers Help Keep Subscribers Active and Engaged Are You Making This Mistake in Your…

The Most Important Data Needed to Drive Email Subscriber Engagement and Conversions

…vide personal data and information about their interests. By using customer preference data, you can create and send more personalized and targeted emails to segments of your email list, which will help keep your subscribers actively engaged. At FulcrumTech, data-driven email marketing is our specialty. Email us or give us a call at 215-489-9336 and we’ll help you gather, analyze, and utilize the most valuable data to maximize the impact of your…

18 Tips for Maximizing Your Click-Through Rates

…pect into a buying customer. Get personal. The tone you set is important. Be sure it’s not too much sales hype and not too stiff and formal. A personal, friendly, informative tone tends to be the most effective. Use an active voice, rather than a passive voice to help keep your message strong. For example: “We added new products,” is stronger than “New products have been added.” Limit “spammy” words like…

The 5 Essential Components for Email-Marketing Success

…ech, we’ve developed a sophisticated email-marketing model to help our clients quantify the potential financial impact of multiple improvements including the following areas: The size of your list The numbers of active and inactive subscribers Open rates Click-through rates Conversion rates Revenue Profit Return-on-investment. Once these analytics are completed, we determine strategies to make improvements in the areas that will deliver the best…

What Can an Unsubscribe Landing Page Do for Your Email Program?

…ccess and utilize for improving your email-marketing program. If you’re interested in learning more about how to optimize your unsubscribe page and integrate the information collected, the experts at FulcrumTech can help. Contact us or give us a call today at 215-489-9336. OTHER ARTICLES YOU MIGHT LIKE 5 Strategies for Creating Landing Pages That Convert Effective Email Preference Centers Help Keep Subscribers Active and Engaged The Business…

My 8 Favorite Metrics for Judging the Health of an Email-Marketing Program

…ails can lower your email reputation and decrease your inbox delivery rates. Number of Subscribers Who Haven’t Opened Your Emails for > 6 Months / Total Number of Subscribers If you determine that you have a high number of inactive users on your email list, you may need to take action to help re-engage them. For more information, check out a previous NewsLever article on this subject — “5 Steps for Re-Engaging the Inactive Users on Your…

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