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ExactTarget's Connections 2011 Final Notes

…your influencers. When possible, identify and connect more closely with your key influencers—those who are tweeting most frequently about you, for example, or writing an influential blog in your space. Mobile is the digital superglue that ties the many communication platforms together. Leverage it! Brad Rencher provided a great example of how Vail Ski Resort used mobile and social tools to extend the overall skiing experience at their resort in…

Email List Segmentation: 5 Ways to Boost Your ROI

…s to segment your list and get the most out of your promotional email campaigns? We can help! Click here or give us a call at 215-489-9336 to learn more. OTHER ARTICLES YOU MIGHT LIKE Calculate Email Marketing ROI in Minutes with ROI Goalsetter Email-Marketing Optimization — 7 Steps to Effective A/B Split Testing Effective Email Preference Centers Help Keep Subscribers Active and Engaged Calculate Email Marketing ROI in Minutes with ROI…

Make Your Email Newsletter Work for You

…or shrinking? It’s a known fact in the email marketing industry that email newsletters can typically lose 25% of their lists annually. This is due to unsubscribes, bounces (people changing their email addresses), and inactive users (those subscribers who’ve decided to stop reading your newsletters). That means if you have a list of 10,000, you have to add over 200 new subscribers each month just to stay even. Knowing where you stand…

Create a Financial Model to Help Prioritize Improvements and Quantify Results

…east a rough idea of the aggregated impact of improvements. At a high level, you’ll want to consider the following when creating your own model. What are the key characteristics that drive the growth or decline of your active email list? They can include current list size, number of new subscribers per month, average number of unsubscribes per month, etc. You’ll want to consider these as assumptions that you can change. Then,…

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) Is Looming – Here’s What You Need to Know

…ribers, as well as consent. For more information about CASL and to keep up with all the latest developments, be sure to check out the Canadian government’s CASL website. OTHER ARTICLES YOU MIGHT LIKE Email Marketing Best Practices — Unsubscribing Do’s and Don’ts What You Need to Know About the CAN-SPAM Act Effective Email Preference Centers Help Keep Subscribers Active and Engaged The Best Email-Marketing Practices…

Choosing the Right Email Service Provider (ESP)

…invalid address? If not, your provider may be unnecessarily removing people from your list. Email Metrics – Does your email service provider offer metrics that go beyond measuring opens and click-throughs? For example, active user reports provide information that is essential to evaluating email programs. Without access to important metric data, your success is limited by the inability to accurately measure the effectiveness of your email…

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