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Landing-Page Forms — 7 Must-Do Tips for Capturing Leads

It’s the moment of truth — you’ve persuaded someone to click on a link in your email or online ad and go to your landing page. Will that new prospect fill out the form to join your list of subscribers? Here are seven must-do tips to help drive conversions on your landing-page forms. Start short and simple. Typically, the shorter the form, the higher the conversion rate. So as you plan the strategy for your landing-page forms,…

How to Minimize the Impact of Email Auto-Filters on Your Email-Marketing ROI

…weekly special offers, your subscribers will know to watch for them. Ask their preferences. Give your subscribers the opportunity to decide what types of information they want and how often they want to receive it. Use other online channels to pique interest in your organization and brand. Build excitement and buzz about your company and its special promotions through blogs and such social media as Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. This will…

How Mature Is Your Email-Marketing Program? 14 Types of Emails to Help Boost ROI

…ted in hearing from your organization. Reengagement emails are sent to inactive subscribers—those who haven’t opened or clicked on an email in 6 months or more. For more information about how to use email to reengage inactive users, check out this previous FulcrumTech feature. These emails not only reduce your level of inactives, but also encourage clients to come back and buy. Birthday/Holiday Emails — Sending birthday or holiday wishes…

Justifying Email Marketing in 2013 and Beyond

…. Email remains one of the most profitable marketing channels today — and will remain so into the future. If you need some ammunition to justify email marketing in your company, here are the facts. An impressive 77% of online consumers prefer to get permission-based marketing messages via email versus any other marketing channel, according to a recent study by ExactTarget — The 2012 Channel Preference Survey. Direct mail came in…

5 Ways to Leverage Pinterest to Increase Email Open and Click-through Rates

…enough, they also used clever mini-posters as highly pinnable incentives to draw in eyes and clicks. Drive up open rates with “Pinterest” in your subject line. According to Internet Retailer, Ballard Designs, an online retailer of furniture and home goods, recently sent an email featuring their spring product line using “Our Customer Favorites Are Pinteresting” as its subject line. The open rate for this email was 2.8%…

9 Ways Email Marketing Is More Than Constant Contact

…ing events, I often get onto the topic of email marketing (perhaps it has something to do with my passion about the subject). Invariably, someone makes a comment that equates the email blast software — provided by such online marketing companies as Constant Contact — with the broader concept of email marketing. I appreciate that most people don’t spend their lives immersed in email marketing as I do, so I thought I’d…

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