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The Basics of Email Drip Marketing Campaigns

…p prospects engaged and thinking about your organization throughout the conversion process. Shopping Cart-Recovery Drip Campaigns—This type of email drip campaign is triggered when a prospective customer puts a product in an online shopping cart, but doesn’t complete the purchase. These types of behavioral emails typically include reminders and, in some cases, additional incentives to help guide and encourage customers to take the actions needed…

How to Choose an Email-Marketing Consultant: 10 Questions Everyone Should Ask

…ng the best email-marketing results. There are always new best practices to be aware of. In what ways does the email-marketing consultant incorporate search engine optimization (SEO), which is essential for improving overall online success today? Over the years, it has become increasingly clear how SEO can and should be used to drive list growth, guide newsletter article writing (i.e., know what people are searching for and write about that),…

Email Marketing Overview: What You Need to Know

…n rate, unsubscribe rate, spam rate, click-through rate, and inactive user rate (the number of subscribers who are no longer opening your emails). If you have an existing email program, you’ll want to understand your inactive user rate first. If it’s high and/or growing—and you do nothing to manage it—your list quality will degrade quickly. As you grow your list, be aware of the overall trend in your list quality metrics….

6 Ways to Improve Your Email Reputation and Deliverability

…factor in email deliverability. So, if you’re having trouble getting emails into your recipients’ inboxes, be sure to also check your domain reputation. Determine Your Email Reputation and Sender Score With This Online Tool Knowing your email reputation is the first step in improving your email deliverability. Your email reputation is the measurement of the quality of your list and the extent that you follow best email practices. To…

Using Email Subject Lines to Build a Strong Brand Identity

…y for those products or services, your company’s brand is top of mind. When it comes to building strong brand identity, your email-marketing program can be an invaluable tool. And FulcrumTech can help you leverage this online tool—along with your Web site, search engine optimization, and social networking—to significantly increase brand recognition for your products or services and, ultimately, have a positive impact on your…

Using Email to Drive More B2B Referrals

…igns, it’s often a lot more challenging for business-to-business (B2B) versus business-to-consumer (B2C). Why? For B2B, the lists are generally smaller and their products and/or services typically are not sold directly online. Instead, B2B is more about getting referrals and bringing prospects down the “sales funnel.” In this article, we focus on four ways you can use email to help drive B2B referrals. The Nature of a B2B Sale…

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