5 Strategies for Creating Landing Pages That Convert

A prospect has opened your email and clicked through to your promotion. That means you have successfully created an effective subject line and email. But don’t celebrate quite yet. Now comes perhaps the most challenging step in the process – getting prospects to follow through by taking the action you want, whether it’s to sign up, opt in or make a purchase. In this month’s feature – the final article in a 3-part FulcrumTech series on optimizing the response to your email campaign – we take a look at promotional landing pages and provide important ways to help you maximize conversion rates.

Create Compelling Subject Lines

Open Me! That’s what your subject line has to succinctly convey to your audience. Unfortunately, there’s no secret formula to creating a subject line that universally engages and drives action. Essentially you need to quickly and clearly state what your recipients can expect in the email message and say it in a way that grabs their attention. The following are some important strategies that we at FulcrumTech always review before writing subject lines.

18 Ways to Build a Bigger, Better List

When it comes to building a great email list, there’s no quick fix. Some people may be tempted to purchase a list, but that’s an approach I recommend against. “Home-grown” email lists require substantial time and ongoing effort, but the list quality, ROI and ultimately your online marketing success are worth the investment. In this feature, I identify six major list-building strategies, as well as provide a few specific ways to effectively implement each of these strategies.

9 Ways to Make the Most of Your Welcome Emails

Did you know that Welcome Messages have the highest open rates of all promotional emails sent? That’s why Welcome Messages provide a great opportunity to establish a strong online relationship with your subscribers from the start, as well as communicate your marketing message to a highly-engaged audience. In this issue, we provide several important tips to help you create effective Welcome Emails.

Ready or Not, Mobile Marketing Is Here!

There’s no doubt about it – the number of people using mobile devices to access their email and the Web is rapidly exploding. You need only to look around such areas as airport waiting areas, subways and buses, coffee shops and shopping malls, to see it for yourself – people engrossed in silent conversations, their thumbs tapping away on handheld gadgets. Until recently business professionals were the primary group using this technology. However, now more and more consumers are getting in on the act, too, as web-enabled phones and mobile devices like the Blackberry become increasingly affordable.

5 Tips for Building a Successful Landing Page

Prospects and clients sometimes come to me in frustration about an email newsletter, a Web site, or a Web page that just isn’t doing the job. They believe they’ve crafted a really appealing offer, but there are so few takers, and they are wondering why?

Just last week, a prospect called me to say that his firm’s newsletter wasn’t generating the leads he was expecting. When we talked through the problem, it became quite clear that there was no value proposition, no compelling solution or offer, and no clear call to action. As it turned out, my prospect was missing the boat on the fundamental success factors for developing a successful landing page. The good news is that by knowing what he was missing, he could take the necessary steps to fix his program.

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