FulcrumTech Midyear 2009 Email Marketing Report

As we recently passed midyear 2009, my team thought it would be a great idea to share the links to NewsLever’s “FulcrumTech Top Reads” that you, our subscribers, clicked on most since January. Interestingly, these articles remind us of some of the most important lessons for developing and implementing effective email marketing programs. So here we summarize what you may have missed along the way.

Using Email to Drive More B2B Referrals

When it comes to achieving a high return-on-investment (ROI) from email campaigns, it’s often a lot more challenging for business-to-business (B2B) versus business-to-consumer (B2C). Why? For B2B, the lists are generally smaller and their products and/or services are typically not sold directly online. Instead, B2B is more about getting referrals and bringing prospects down the “sales funnel.” In this article, we focus on 4 ways you can use email to help drive B2B referrals.

7 Ways to Make the Most of the "Click-Through Moment"

Although there are many elements that go into a successful email marketing campaign, there’s one critical moment during the conversion when your prospect is going from your promotional email (or online ad) to the landing page. Let’s focus on that split second – what I refer to as the "Click-Through Moment" – and specific ways you can drive great conversion rates and maximize your return-on-investment.

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